Little House in the Big Woods Laura Ingalls Wilder
Table Of Content DANCE AT GRANDPA'S. THE SUGAR SNOW. GOING TO TOWN. The Story of Pa and the Bear in the Way. Setting The Story of Pa and the Voice in the Woods. There were knobby little bumps all over their heads,whichever way they turned on their pillows. They were very much excited, and next day they tried to play going totown. They could not do it very well, because they were not quite surewhat a town was like. They knew there was a store in town, but they hadnever seen a store. "It stood there and looked at me with its large, soft eyes, wonderingwhat I was. It was not afraid at all." DANCE AT GRANDPA'S. Everybody was laughing, over by the kitchen door. Grandma's dress was beautiful, too; a darkblue calico with autumn-colored leaves scattered over it. Her cheekswere pink from laughing, and she was shaking her head. At supper time Pa and Grandpa came from the woods. Each had on hisshoulders a wooden yoke that Grandpa had made. THE SUGAR SNOW. Eight h...